Monday, 16 November 2009

Principles of Influence

How to influence your customers (or followers) to build a relationship with you? There are five ways in which the customer may get influenced. (ref: Robert Cialdini's principles of influence)

1.   Reciprocity  - You have done a favour on the customer, so he/she will do this favour on you
2. Social proof – Everyone is building a relationship with you, therefore the customer too must
3. Authority – An authoritative figure/expert/respected person/celebrity/government endorses you, so the customer must build a relationship with you
4. Likeability – Customer likes you, so builds a relationship with you
5. Commitment and consistency - Customer believes that you are equally committed to the (financial/political/social/relgious etc.) cause of the customer, so he/she builds a relationship with you. "Enemy's enemy is my friend" is an example of this principle.
6. Scarcity - Your service is scarce. It is now or never.