These are some of the quotes I came across on Twitter. I must say I am not completely in disagreement with them.
Socialism (n): The fusion of economic illiteracy with total ignorance of human nature.
— Murray Rothbard (@LibertarianView) June 29, 2014
#SOCIALISM (n): The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happier than you!
— Murray Rothbard (@LibertarianView) October 13, 2013
#SOCIALISM (n): The philosophy of dividing the shortages equally among the poor
— Murray Rothbard (@LibertarianView) June 1, 2014
#SOCIALISM (n): The theory that everyone who fails is a saint and everyone who succeeds is a sinner
— Murray Rothbard (@LibertarianView) January 5, 2014
#SOCIALISM (n): A race in which everyone finishes first, but nobody gets a prize
— Murray Rothbard (@LibertarianView) December 1, 2013
#SOCIALISM (n): The political view that it is unjust that others do better in life than you
— Murray Rothbard (@LibertarianView) November 17, 2013
#SOCIALISM (n): The belief that working for a living is exploitation by employers, but living off the taxes paid by employers is not!
— Murray Rothbard (@LibertarianView) October 27, 2013
Socialism: A cult where success & wealth are declared evil and the followers own failures & poverty are declared noble.
— Murray Rothbard (@LibertarianView) October 4, 2012
Socialist (n): One who cloaks his personal envy at the success of others in a charade of noble concern for others.
— Murray Rothbard (@LibertarianView) June 29, 2014