Friday, 3 July 2009

Homosexuality and deviant sexual behaviour

Delhi High Court's historic judgment and countless expert-talks and articles on the same notwithstanding, I am, at a personal level, a little skeptical about the homosexual behaviour. I have nothing personal against homosexuals and their sexual preferences. They are, in my opinion, and as I have not witnessed anything to the contrary, as harmless(?) as the heterosexuals.

Where my doubts lay are in the "normality" of the whole phenomenon.

To begin with, if the whole phenomenon of "homosexuality" is genetically determined, then one really can't blame the poor chaps for being the way they are. Their destiny was written by God Herself and there is nothing we can do to go against Her wishes.

On the other hand, if it isn't, then the matter obviously needs a different treatment. It no longer becomes a congenital condition but a trait that's acquired over time. This "deviation" then may need to be understood and be treated medically or in any other way deemed fit.

However, that homosexuality may be legalised is the least of my concerns. The question that prompted me to start writing was what happens if "pedophiles", "bestial", and other such "deviant" people start claiming that they are naturally oriented in such ways and that their sexual preferences too may be given legal sanction.

It's a very disturbing question. Perhaps an outrageous one, and an irrelevant one. But a question nevertheless. After all even homosexuality was considered an unmentionable criminal act till not too long ago. Is it not a plausible assumption that modern science is incapable of proving that the rest of the sexual aberrations are a manifestation of one's genetic make-up? What happens if it does?

Do we legalise and accept them? Do we discard the Nature and God and outlaw these "criminals" from the society?

Any thoughts?


  1. I agree with you. It really is an irrelevant question so I wont even bother answering it. :)

    The part that prompted this comment: God HERSELF? Now here's something interesting..... :)

  2. It would have been more useful if you had something to say about the issue? :)

  3. It would have been more useful to tell that to someone who wanted to make useful comments in the first place. :D
