Friday 30 September 2005


Now, I am not a voluble young man who likes to make an exhibition of my loquacity on topics that interest or annoy other lowly beings. Neither am I a taciturn uncommunicative bloke who considers the usage of verbal organs a perfunctory exercise to build and maintain acquaintances with the other samples of my species, talking of which reminds me that ants are probably the only species that can be considered to be omnipresent in the true sense - well, at least on land. They are everywhere, in the bathroom, in office, in my shoes, in my biscuit boxes, in kitchen sinks, and every other conceivable place one could think of. Not that I am complaining. They provide me a constant companionship everyday, day and night, in my forlorn existence. An existence of seriatim disappointments and anxieties further inflicted by the moral turpitude of autowallahs who charge double rates to take me home on any time of the day. These autowallahs must perenially be put on a strike. It helps the society if wickedness marries idleness. Both are moieties of Satanic descent. That day shall coruscate forever in my memory when Metro rail functions in full swing in this city. These functions are obviously different from the functions that I break my head on every day. A head which is full of vibrant creativity until I find myself in front of the monitor when the flow of thoughts reach a stasis. I must however hurry to establish the fact that I love my job before anyone raises his or her finger (hopefully, the one except the middle one) and brands me a bete noire. Raising a finger is an expression of communication in vogue since ancient times. Each finger representing a different state of mind - in the order from thumb to the li'l one - success, accusation, < censored >, showing off a ring, and emergencies of biological kinds. More varied emotions could be described with various combinations of these fingers. However, I am going shy away from describing them for want of time. No technology or innovations in communication could extirpate this perdurable communication marvel that are our fingers...

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